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Jackson Cook
Jackson Cook

Mature Ladies In Girdle

Whilst we are on the subject of Marilyn Monroe, auctions of her effects show clearly that she never wore a lower foundation garment in daily life (as does the picture on the left). Bras and bustiers a-plenty as well as tights, stockings and suspender belts, but no girdles. Miss Monroe was possessed of an enviable 22-inch waist as her bustier on display at the excellent Hollywood Museum reveals, so no lower foundation was required.

mature ladies in girdle

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Unlike the bones of the pectoral girdle, which are highly mobile to enhance the range of upper limb movements, the bones of the pelvis are strongly united to each other to form a largely immobile, weight-bearing structure. This is important for stability because it enables the weight of the body to be easily transferred laterally from the vertebral column, through the pelvic girdle and hip joints, and into either lower limb whenever the other limb is not bearing weight. Thus, the immobility of the pelvis provides a strong foundation for the upper body as it rests on top of the mobile lower limbs.

The hip bone, or coxal bone, forms the pelvic girdle portion of the pelvis. The paired hip bones are the large, curved bones that form the lateral and anterior aspects of the pelvis. Each adult hip bone is formed by three separate bones that fuse together during the late teenage years. These bony components are the ilium, ischium, and pubis (Figure 2). These names are retained and used to define the three regions of the adult hip bone.

And her figure! She got upon a chair and tilted the mirror so that shecould see herself from hips to feet. She drew her skirt back and up.The slender ankle was just as slender. The calf had lost none of itsdelicately mature swell. She studied her hips, her waist, her bosom,her neck, the poise of her head, and sighed contentedly. Billy must beright, and he had said that she was built like a French woman, and thatin the matter of lines and form she could give Annette Kellerman cardsand spades.

Privately, after a while, Tom organized a royal court! He was the prince; his special comrades were guards, chamberlains, equerries, lords and ladies in waiting, and the royal family. Daily the mock prince was received with elaborate ceremonials borrowed by Tom from his romantic readings; daily the great affairs of the mimic kingdom were discussed in the royal council, and daily his mimic highness issued decrees to his imaginary armies, navies, and viceroyalties.

All night long the glories of his royal estate shone upon him; he moved among great lords and ladies, in a blaze of light, breathing perfumes, drinking in delicious music, and answering the reverent obeisances of the glittering throng as it parted to make way for him, with here a smile, and there a nod of his princely head.

Tom and his little ladies were received with due ceremony by the Lord Mayor and the Fathers of the City, in their gold chains and scarlet robes of state, and conducted to a rich canopy of state at the head of the great hall, preceded by heralds making proclamation, and by the Mace and the City Sword. The lords and ladies who were to attend upon Tom and his two small friends took their places behind their chairs.

By this time the peeresses are flowing in in a glittering stream, and the satin-clad officials are flitting and glinting everywhere, seating them and making them comfortable. The scene is animated enough now. There is stir and life, and shifting color everywhere. After a time, quiet reigns again; for the peeresses are all come and are all in their places, a solid acre or such a matter, of human flowers, resplendent in variegated colors, and frosted like a Milky Way with diamonds. There are all ages here: brown, wrinkled, white-haired dowagers who are able to go back, and still back, down the stream of time, and recall the crowning of Richard III and the troublous days of that old forgotten age; and there are handsome middle-aged dames; and lovely and gracious young matrons; and gentle and beautiful young girls, with beaming eyes and fresh complexions, who may possibly put on their jewelled coronets awkwardly when the great time comes; for the matter will be new to them, and their excitement will be a sore hindrance. Still, this may not happen, for the hair of all these ladies has been arranged with a special view to the swift and successful lodging of the crown in its place when the signal comes.

General Lilley was in a quandary. He knew noNew York ladies. No more did I. But finally hewon his way into the good graces of the widow ofGovernor Dix and mother of the Rev. Morgan Dix;who granted her drawing-room for our meetings,and doubtless consulted her own visiting list tofind patronesses. When, at the general's earnestprayer, I went over to the first meeting, I found anoble band of women all enthusiasm over the project. I was a stranger in New York, and but dimlyrecognized the names on the committee with my own:Mrs. John Dix, Mrs. August Belmont, Mrs. William M. Evarts, Mrs. Francis R. Rives, Mrs.John Jay, Mrs. (Commodore) Vanderbilt, Mrs.Vincenzo Botta, Mrs. Henry Clews, Mrs. JamesBrown Potter, Mrs. Winfield S. Hancock, andothers, about fifty in all! I can now easily understand that this committee had but to will a thing,and if it were not accomplished, the fault would notlie in their lack of potentiality. They had but tosay the word. Means, overflowing means, and generous patronage would be assured.

When I came to the city to live, I found thatDr. Dix, his lovely mother, and many of the ladiesof our committee still remembered me. This wasnot the last time we were together in a benevolententerprise, nor the last time Patti honored me.Childish as were the little arts attributed to her byColonel Mapleson, she could give evidence of a bigwarm heart on occasion!

IN the summer of 1888 yellow fever appeared inFlorida and raged with peculiar violence inJacksonville. Early in September I receiveda letter inviting me to meet a number of ladies atrooms on Broadway to organize a committee for therelief of the Jacksonville sufferers. Mrs. Stedman(wife of the poet) was with me at the time I receivedthe letter, and she agreed with me that it would bea most beautiful thing for the New York women tosend substantial relief to their stricken sisters inFlorida. So, on the day and hour appointed, Mrs.Stedman accompanied me to the place designated.We found ourselves in the presence of a large roomful of ladies neither of us had ever before seen. Iwas made chairman by acclamation, and a Mrs.Manton secretary.

The concert was fine. He sang as never before,returning again and again in response to the enthusiastic recalls of the large audience. Mrs. Sylvanus Reed, who was one of my patronesses on all my programmes, brought with her twenty or more ofthe young ladies of her school. I had not requiredevening dress, but from my lofty seat in the sky gallery I looked down upon hundreds of the flower-decked heads of my dear American fellow-women.

Manners, &c. The same provisions are made for education, as in most of the other Western states. In the towns and villages there are respectable schools; and the people generally are impressed with the importance and necessity of educating their children. There is evidently a growing interest in this concern. With those, who are, able to educate their children, pride, united with better motives and considerations, is sufficient to induce parents to place the means of education within the reach of their children. There exist too many rude and ignorant people here, as in all the western country, who say, that they have been enabled to go through life comfortably, without education; and that their children are as able to do so, as they were. Beside the schools, which we have mentioned in St. Louis, there are schools, dignified with the name of academies in different parts of the state. The catholics have two or three establishments of religious, who receive young ladies for instruction. There is, also, a theological school of some distinction in the barrens below St. Genevieve for the preparation of catholic eleves for the ministry. In St. Louis, St. Charles, and some of the other villages, society exhibits in the main, the same aspect, that it does in other towns of a like size in the United States. It must be admitted, that in the country there is a perceptible shade of the roughness of people, who are far removed from the bosom of society, and whose manners are little softened, or restrained by the moulding influence of public opinion. The roughness of the backwoods men is often, however, accompanied with an open hospitality, an honest simplicity, and a genuine kindness of heart, which render a residence among them as pleasant, as in those regions where observance, and public opinion have created a greater

Twenty acres were planted with corn in different parts of the town. The grinding was with hand mills. Flour and bacon, now in such abundance, were then imported from the older settlements. The tables were of split planks, and the dishes were of wood. The dress of the men was hunting shirts of domestic fabric. This dress was bound with a belt, or girdle, in which were a knife and a tomahawk. The lower part of this dress was deer skin, and after the Indian fashion; in fact the dress of the backwoods people in Illinois and Missouri at the present day. The women, too, were as yet content with dresses of their own fabric. The old inhabitants at that time, who still survive, look back from the squares and streets, the 041b061a72


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