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Ramon Bogdanov
Ramon Bogdanov

Download Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé - The Thrilling YA Debut of 2021

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This open source icon is named "spades" and is licensed under the open source CC BY 4.0 license. It's available to be downloaded in SVG and PNG formats (available in 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 PNG sizes). It's part of the icon set "IcoMoon Free Icon Set", which has 491 icons in it. If you need this icon available in another format, it should be pretty straight forward to download it as an SVG image file, and then import it into apps like Fotor, Illustrator, Photoshop or Visme. Converting it to an ICO, JPEG or WebP image format or file type should also be pretty simple (we hope to add that feature to Iconduck soon).

PEN America defines a school book ban as any action taken against a book based on its content and as a result of parent or community challenges, administrative decisions, or in response to direct or threatened action by lawmakers or other governmental officials, that leads to a previously accessible book being either completely removed from availability to students, or where access to a book is restricted or diminished. Read more in our Frequently Asked Questions.

Trust your gut, uncover the clues, and dive into pulse-pounding page-turners this summer. From vacations gone wrong to secrets and blackmail with deadly repercussions, these twelve young adult books will keep you on your toes through every plot twist and hair-raising situation the characters find themselves in.

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"Then you have a very wise mother, Hugh, let me tell you!" declared thegentleman, who knew boys "like a book," from long association withthousands of them. "She doubtless had her reasons for asking you totake that pledge."

"He started talking about his grandson. How his wrinkled face lightedup when I said my chum, Hugh Morgan, had taken a great fancy for Owen,and that I shared in the same feeling. You could see easily enoughthat Mr. Dugdale believes the sun rises and sets in that boy of his.Nothing would do, finally, but that he should take me to seen the denOwen had fitted up for himself, because there was plenty of room in thebig house, and every fellow he knew had some kind of a den in which hecould keep his boyish treasures, in the way of foreign postage stampalbums, photos taken by himself connected with outings he had been on,college flags and burgees, and well, just such traps as the average boyliked to see around him when he's out of school, and settling down toread a favorite book.

Two little colored girls were running up and down the shore doing mostof the screaming, and acting as though half frightened to death. Thereason for their alarm was not hard to see, for at some little distanceout from the bank a small boy, as black as the ace of spades, washaving a terrible time trying to keep his footing on a plank that hadbeen a part of a rude raft, doubtless fashioned by his own hands.

Which remark further aroused the wonder of his comrade, who could notimagine what Thad had in mind. Hugh went home, and picking up a bookhe was reading, proceeded to renew his interest in the story. Half anhour slipped away in this fashion. Then he heard a jolly whistle downon the street, which he knew full well. Sure enough, it was Thadcoming hurriedly toward the Morgan home.

And with that ambitious programme of outdoor sports ahead of them, itcan be safely assumed there would be glorious doings in and around thetown of Scranton, starting on the following Saturday, when, packingtheir kits, and donning their new uniforms, the high-school team setout to invade the lair of the tiger in neighboring Belleville. Justwhat they accomplished in the good old summer time will be foundnarrated between the covers of the next volume in this series of books,now on sale under the suggestive title of "The Chums of Scranton Highin the Three-Town League; or, Out for a Baseball Pennant."


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